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December Wellness Tip: New Year’s Resolutions

Before you say, “My resolution is to never make another one,” hear us out. Resolutions often fail because we resolve to do something that is either too restrictive to be sustainable or it becomes an obligation rather than a choice. A successful resolution isn’t always a rip-roaring good time, but it should be something that improves your life in some capacity. An elevated quality of life is a reward in itself and perhaps as a welcome side effect, you have some fun along the way.  


Improvement and success look different to everyone, but here are some simple resolutions to borrow from or incite an entirely unique one to fit your goals for 2023.   


Get cooking—Don’t let Gordon Ramsay scare you, anyone can cook. COVID-19 has created a significant at-home culture and now your kitchen wants to cash in on some of the attention. Cooking at home versus eating out not only saves money, but studies show that people who regularly dine on homecooked meals consume less calories than those who don’t. Who knows, you may become a Master Chef after all! 


Get off your phone—Endless scrolling has never done a body (or mind) any good. While social media may have its place, excessive screen time can lead to isolation, depression, and poor body image. Although it can be fun to digitally catch up with friends across the world or admire a colleague’s trip to Santorini, there’s a great, wide, beautiful world beyond your phone. Try turning off your phone or hiding it from yourself, even for an hour, and be present with someone or something in your non-virtual environment. 


Get out of town—Whether you book a transatlantic flight or pile the family into the car for a daytrip, a change of scenery is a wonderful way to reset, refresh, and create lasting memories. It can get the nerves churning to go somewhere new, especially if the culture is different or the actual travel portion of traveling gives you anxiety. But getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing something new is a great way to evolve as a person and develop new perspectives. 


Find something meaningful and attainable for you. New Year’s resolutions are not meant to completely transform your life and to put such expectations on them is a recipe for disappointment. Trying something new or opting for a healthier change, physically or mentally, is a great way to ring in 2023 and open yourself up to grand possibilities.  


This material has been prepared for informational purposes only. BRP Group, Inc. and its affiliates, do not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. Please consult with your own tax, legal or accounting professionals before engaging in any transaction.  

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December Wellness Tip: New Year’s Resolutions